
The history of NEWA dates back to 2001 when Jephthah Odhiambo, then a student at St. Josephs Rapogi High School brought up the idea of forming a group that could bring together all the grandchildren of the late Ezra Onyango Nyangalo. Initially, Jephthah had the vision of creating a platform where the grandchildren of Ezra Onyango Nyangalo could come together during December Holidays and organize an annual get-together party where they could get to know each other and share their life experiences.

During these early days, the group operated informally as “Nyangstars Association” with all members being minors. The pioneer officials of the Nyangstars Association were Jephthah Odhiambo, (Chairman), Ezra Onyango (Organizing Secretary), Jabes Omondi (Secretary-General), and Mrs. Saline Odera (Min Ochanda) as the Patron and Treasure. Barely one year into its formation, Nyangstars Association faced operational challenges and died a natural death, partly because all members were minors and were still under the control and care of their parents.

In February 2018, the idea of reviving the association emerged when Dr. Robert Tabu created a group called "Team Konyango" to rally his cousins to attend his wedding. It is at this point that the idea of making the group a new platform that brings the grandchildren of Ezra Onyango Nyangalo was conceptualized.

In November 2018, Jephthah Odhiambo renamed the group and called it “Nyodao at 90 Year Plus” to commemorate the 90th Birthday of our elder grandmother, Min John. The initial members of Nyodao at 90 Years Plus were from the sons of Nyodao and excluded the grandchildren from the daughters of Nyodao.

After careful deliberations, the grandchildren of Nyodao from the daughters’ side were incorporated into the group by February 2019. A meeting was held in October 2019 and the idea to revive Nyangstars Association was discussed, leading to the resolution to formalize the group into an entity with legal structures. However, members noted with concern that not all grandchildren of the late Ezra Onyango Nyangalo were descendants of Nyodao. Apparently, the late Ezra Onyango Nyangalo had another home and his grandchildren from the second home were conspicuously missing from the group

In February 2020, members resolved to expand the group to accommodate the grandchildren of Ezra Onyango Nyangalo from Min Uli’s household. By March 2020, Nyikwa Ezra had already gathered together, drafted the first constitution, elected officials into office, and began laying strategic plans to run its business activities.

Today, NEWA has 78 eligible members by default of which only 38 have provided their details to formalize their membership.