
About N.E.W.A.

Informed by on-the-ground partnerships, programmatic experience, and research, we are equipping Kenya youth, whether skilled, craftsmen or disabled with the necessary training and funding to enter growth sectors such as entrepreneurship. Understanding the particular importance of self-employment and self-reliance in Kenya, we are supporting young entrepreneurs with business planning and access to finance

Our Approach

NEWA National Outreach Programs

NEWA-global shop will deliver full online, in-store, and app-based B2C functionality to help engage customers. NEWA will work to deliver loyalty to your business with reliability and efficiency. We are not just a family association, but a business consultancy firm with expertise in business solutions. We, therefore, give your business solutions powered by technology and continuously assist your team makes your objectives work.

By anchoring the NEWA global shop strategy on blue ocean strategy, we target to get you out of the competition and chat your own client experience. Define your competition and stop competing with everybody. This noble strategy doesn't only define our approach to helping your business leverage its competitive advantage but summarizes our unique approach to getting everybody on board.

Our Strategy

Disruptive technology is becoming synonymous with all business strategies. Therefore, cutthroat competitors within a shrinking profit pool is an all too familiar scenario for entrepreneurs. Markets become saturated, growth rates diminish, and profit margins shrink. What if we told you that there’s a way to escape this relentless, vicious circle?

NEWA global shop will help you create differentiation guided by the principles of high impact, low cost and rapid execution. However, that mission is only possible if you let NEWA hold your hand from Red Oceans to Blue oceans using Loyalty as the guiding principle.

We Engage Local Communities

Engaging clients sit at the convergence of loyalty and experience, delivering against demanding member expectations and business objectives. by uploading your products on our e-commerce platform, you don’t only engage your customers, you interact and learn your customer’s insights, trends, buying habits, and purchasing behavior.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

NEWA Global shop is a concept that believes in helping communities to engage in income generating activities, design, create, and produce unique products which are then sold to customers to generate income for members and the association. The online shop provides a B2C concept where customers are connected to members of the association through an integrated online platform.

Our Commitment

Attract customers to your brand no matter where, when, or how. With NEWA Global shop, you Don’t only retain, we help you Acquire, Interact and create Experientially rewards that remain memorable


Our main mission is to become the most member-centered welfare association that promote social welfare, create wealth, and promote sustainable social and economic development among its members.